Reversing a previous decision to make only 3v3 and 5v5 arena ratings in World of Warcraft count toward gear, Blizzard announced today a partial reversal of their decision.

Says Bornakk:

After further consideration, and after hearing from many players, we are going to change how we approach the 2 vs. 2 arena bracket in Arena Season 7. We still think the 3 vs. 3 and 5 vs. 5 brackets will ultimately offer the best play experience, especially for very competitive gamers for whom game class balance issues are most noticeable. However, we recognize that many players just prefer to play in the 2 vs. 2 bracket and will miss the chance to earn the current season's gear. Therefore, we are going to still allow the 2 vs. 2 bracket to grant access to the current season of gear with three important exceptions: the current season's weapons will not be available for purchase, the current season’s shoulder armor will not be available for purchase, and players will not qualify for the Gladiator title/rewards unless you earn the appropriate rating in the 3 vs. 3 or 5 vs. 5 bracket. We look forward to the changes in the next major content patch and hope to have a great next Arena Season.

In short, 2v2 arenas can still be used as a stepping stone for gear into the higher arena brackets - but weapons, shoulders, and the race for Gladiator will only be available to 3s and 5s. original site

Here’s what happened. A teenage boy’s mother cancels his World of Warcraft account. The teen’s brother thinks it’s hysterical, so he leaves a video camera in the teen’s room to record him getting upset.

I really dont think his little brother had idea what he was recording the demonic possession of his brother because, let me just say, the teen’s breakdown includes flopping on the bed, writhing on the floor, stripping his clothes off, banging his head with a shoe, and an attempt to sodomize himself with a remote control.

HE NEEDS SOME SERIOUS HELP! There's a lesson to be learned do go all WoW Junkie cause there's no coming back :\    original site


X-fire, Comrade? Who needs that? When you can use your Twitter account with your Favorite Game.

TweetCraft is an add-on for World of Warcraft that will let you use Twitter from within the game. When you install it, it will be on stand-by alongside your game and then uses a script to read and write tweets to the outside world. As per Blizzard's rules, y'see, add-ons aren't allowed to interact with the Internet.

The app will auto-tweet when you do all kinds of stuff  like changing zones or getting achievements. So make sure you check the config file If you don't want it to do that.


Blizzard has registered a trademark for the word “Cataclysm,” causing speculation across the internet that it could be the name of a brand-new game. Discovered by Tumblr blog superannuation, the trademark registrations for “Cataclysm” include computer games, online entertainment services and paper-based products.

Blizzard is notorious for its secrecy, so it could be anything. Many have speculated that it could be the name of a new intellectual property, or the company’s upcoming massively multiplayer online game. Perhaps it will never be used (see Starcraft: Ghost).

But most likely, “Cataclysm” could be a name of an expansion for one of its existing franchises, particularly Warcraft.

In you follow Warcraft lore, Cataclysm refers to an historical occurrence called the Great Sundering, which basically split up the game world of Azeroth into several continents. In other words, Cataclysm is a really huge event in Warcraft history and might make for a cool game.

It’s also possible that Cataclysm is referring to another event of that nature, which could be the start of another chapter in Warcraft lore — like Warcraft IV or World of Warcraft II.

original site


When asked by VideoGamer.com to explain the changes Patch 3.2 will bring to the Death Knight, game director Tom Chilton said: "More than anything else we’re just trying to make sure we balance Death Knights relative to everybody else. Of course we want Death Knights to feel like an awesome powerful class, just like any other class.

"People mention the fact that they’re a hero class, but to us what that means is, well, they have their own special starting experience – they start at level 55, which is very heroic compared to other characters. But that doesn’t mean that at the end game they’re supposed to be more powerful. We’ve found there were areas of the game we felt like they were just too strong, so we’re trying to balance them just like we would any other character class."
. Original Post gamesradar.com.