
Blizzard has registered a trademark for the word “Cataclysm,” causing speculation across the internet that it could be the name of a brand-new game. Discovered by Tumblr blog superannuation, the trademark registrations for “Cataclysm” include computer games, online entertainment services and paper-based products.

Blizzard is notorious for its secrecy, so it could be anything. Many have speculated that it could be the name of a new intellectual property, or the company’s upcoming massively multiplayer online game. Perhaps it will never be used (see Starcraft: Ghost).

But most likely, “Cataclysm” could be a name of an expansion for one of its existing franchises, particularly Warcraft.

In you follow Warcraft lore, Cataclysm refers to an historical occurrence called the Great Sundering, which basically split up the game world of Azeroth into several continents. In other words, Cataclysm is a really huge event in Warcraft history and might make for a cool game.

It’s also possible that Cataclysm is referring to another event of that nature, which could be the start of another chapter in Warcraft lore — like Warcraft IV or World of Warcraft II.

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